Thursday’s Training Review

It has been great to see and hear the enthusiasm at our training sessions. Thursday caused a slow day on Friday, my legs were staging a little protest after all that running, I shall have a word with the coach…might reward the workers with some court play on Monday.

For those of you who are interested I’ve provided two of the drills that we ran through.

Combination Drill

(7 passes and change position)
Netball Drill 1
* Player A starts with the ball
* Player A makes a shoulder pass (1); to player B
* Player B makes a shoulder pass (2) to the moving player A
* Player A makes a chest pass (3) to player C driving to the left
* Player A cuts behind player C, who makes a shoulder pass (4) back to player B
* Player C drives back to the original position to take a chest pass (5) from player B
* Player C makes a lob pass (6) to A who then makes a shoulder pass (7) to D (next in line)
* Without stopping the drill player A takes up position at B player B takes up position C and player C returns to the end of the line at E.

Coaching Points
* Pass to space ahead of a player on the move
* Drive to a vacant space to receive a pass
* Variety of passes, timing, footwork, agility skills
* Speed and accuracy

To increase the difficulty:
* Allow player A to move either left or right after the first pass

Cut, Pass and Shoot

* Player A starts with the ballNetball Drill 3
* Player A makes a shoulder pass (1) to player B and sprints to cut around B and into the circle.
* Player C makes a chest pass (2) across the circle to player C.
* Player C makes a chest pass (3) to player A cutting into the circle close to the goal post.
* Player A catches the ball, balances and shoots (4) for goal.
* Player B comes into the circle after pass 3 and takes the rebound after the shot for goal.
* Player B makes a shoulder pass (5) back to player D, who is now forst in line, and sprints to the end of the line.
* Player A moves into position C.
* Player C moves to position B and the sequence is repeated.

Coaching Points
* Strong, accurate passing.
* Shooting.
* Rebounding.
* Quick thinking.
* Pass to space.

* Player B defends the shot for goal by A – both try for the rebound.
* Change from right side to left.
* Use a bounce pass for pass 2.